Avraham Makeler wrote:

> Note also, that there is a lack of symmetry in FM between the paragraph
> styling and the character styling. The Paragraph catalog does not have a
> 'Default Paragraph' entry.

"Default Para Font" removes local character formatting (char tag or ad hoc), 
restoring the text to the underlying paragraph format. Think of it as "No Local 
Formatting." Of necessity, removing any locally-applied formatting leaves the 
formatting applied at the container (paragraph) level in control. 

There is no analogous action for paragraph formatting because there is no 
analogous state. There is no container for paragraphs that would permit you to 
specify formatting at a higher level. The paragraph is the highest-level object 
that possesses text-format attributes (along with paragraph-format attributes, 
of course). 

A paragraph can't have no format (tag) applied to it, and there is no 
document-wide "default paragraph format." What would be the point? If you want 
to format all paragraphs a certain way, select them all (Ctrl+a) and apply a 
paragraph tag to them. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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