Syed Zaeem Hosain wrote:

> I started using FrameMaker on a monochrome Sun 3/50 back in 1988 and loved
> it! Our engineering team chose it over Interleaf (which is what the tech
> pubs folks were using), because of the slightly lower cost and the fact
> that it was a cleaner fit with Sun's windowing software.

I compared FM 1.x to Interleaf that same year (likewise on the Sun 3/50). I 
really liked it and thought it had great promise, but I advised my client to go 
with Interleaf (and worked on that for the next several years). FM had great 
promise, but was still a relatively young program lacking many key features. 

I didn't return to FM until 95 or 96 (v5.1, I believe), by which time it was 
far more mature. With a few interruptions when working for clients wedded to 
Word, I've been a happy FM user ever since. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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