
I am trying to link a FrameMaker book into RoboHelp to create an online
help system. When I have RoboHelp auto-create a Table of Contents, the
section headings (created from the bookmarks) are named like:

I need to eliminate the XREF_56898 from the section headings when
RoboHelp creates the TOC. Instead, I need to have the TOC section
headings named in a pretty format to match the heading names when
viewing the book.

RoboHelp seems to get a low-level bookmark name from the FrameMaker book
when naming the section headings. Has anyone seen behavior like this

I am using FrameMaker 10 and RoboHelp 9. My output format is WebHelp.

The steps I follow are:

1.       Create a new blank project in RoboHelp.

2.       Right-click on Project Files, choose Link, choose FrameMaker

3.       Choose the FrameMaker .book file

4.       Right-click on WebHelp and choose Generate, to generate the
WebHelp HTML output.

5.       In the RoboHelp TOC pod, click the AutoCreate TOC button.

Any help or advice is much appreciated.

Thank you,

-Steve K

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