Hello All

Over the past months I have posted a few messages to the list, asking whether 
folks have noticed some user interface issues that I have experienced - such as 
shortcuts ceasing to work, pods that can't be moved, and so on. The response 
has been...ahem...minimal. So either (i) I'm hallucinating, or (ii) nobody 
wants to talk to me, or (iii) something about my system/workflow is unusual. So 
I have just tried a few things.

First, the deets:

TCS 2 on Windows Vista Business SP2, 4GB RAM
FrameMaker 9.0p255, using structured authoring; default workspace with 
Structure View and Element Catalog open but in separate tab groups.
DITA-FMx plugin installed (though I know that's not the cause, as the problems 
started before I installed it)
Photoshop CS4 (11.0.2)
RoboHelp 8.0.208 (hmm...I wonder if that's a build number, and what that 

Immovable Pods

* Open FM and an XML document. Document, Structure View, and Element Catalog 
are visible.
* Structure View can be dragged around.
* Element Catalog won't move.
* Try dragging the Structure View again; this time it won't move. I now have 
two immovable objects.
* Click Element menu, Element Catalog (although the catalog is already 
visible). Now it will move.
* Click Structure Tools, Structure View (although it is already visible). Now 
the Structure View can be moved.
* Try moving the Element Catalog again. It won't move. Click the menu option 
again, and it becomes movable. Go figure.
I've noticed the same with other pods such as the Para Designer and several 
others, though I've not tried the menu connection.
Anyway, enough of that. Let's move on.

Keyboard Shortcuts
When I first open FM, keyboard shortcuts such as Esc mp, Esc fif, Esc sa, and 
so on work fine. Then at some stage they stop working. I've noticed a pattern 
related to whether I have Photoshop open or not. So I did some tests with a 
limited set of keyboard shortcuts. Here are my results:

1. With FM open alone (no Photoshop), the following shortcuts work:
Esc mp (shrinkwrap a graphic)                       
Esc fif (import file into an anchored frame)
Esc fie (import element definitions)
Esc sa (open the Anchored Frame pod)
Ctrl-1 (insert an element) 

2. Open Photoshop after FrameMaker:
Only Ctrl-1 (insert an element) works. The others don't work.
And in case you're wondering, if you close PS again the shortcuts don't come 
back to life.

3. Open Photoshop before FrameMaker, then open FM and the same XML file:
Only Ctrl-1 (insert an element) works. The others don't work.
As an added bonus, pressing Esc fie (import element definitions) inserts the 
text "fie" in the document, though the other Esc shortcuts don't insert the 
equivalent text (I was strangely disappointed...).

4. Open RoboHelp after FM:
All shortcuts work as expected.

I haven't the commitment to try the same tests with Acrobat, Captivate, and the 
other things in TCS2.

Now...can anyone else confirm similar results, or am I really hallucinating?

Another nail in Adobe's coffin, as far as I'm concerned. oXygen, here I come.


Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330
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