
there is a long answer and a short one.

The short one: A Wiki isn?t a DMS or CMS. An OLH is web-based or not.

The long answer:

A documentation process should start to think about and to decide the source 
format: DITA, FrameMaker or Word (or whatever). 

What output format you need is very big challenge today (please see following 
White Paper: Parcel Publishing in an Agile World
on http://bit.ly/ix6csE)

BUT, you need a Wiki for Collaboration with your team, with customers, with 
WebWorks ePublisher can deploy your draft and released manual to a Wiki 
(MediaWiki, MoinMoin or Confluence).

Note: See the YouTube video (currently in German) with  Deployment 
from FrameMaker to Confluence: http://youtu.be/Yx2sPbZ2LEg

You will update your source to re-publish a newer information to the Wiki again 
and the team collaborate in the Wiki
? till then, you will finish the authoring or the documentation is releasable.

Now, the publishing process will start. You need a PDF, CHM (windows based OLH) 
or JavaHelp, etc.
With WebWorks ePublisher you will generate your 14 different output formats, 
for example web-based REVERB.

The different between REVERB and Wiki: Wiki content is changeable, REVERB 
content is comment able.

REVERB is an OLH, but need an internet access, right, but in one month we give 
you an answer for an APP ?

? this APP is offline (check the platform).

Another technology is AIR: With AIR you can realize an online and offline OLH, 
but also check the platform you can use AIR.

For visitors at tcworld (tekom), in Wiesbaden please book the Workshop..

?OLH for Smartphone and Tablet-PC?S ? AIR or REVERB?? Oct 18th, 2011

-          Georg

Your E-Mail:


Am currently engaged in a project to move software documentation from 
FrameMaker to MediaWiki, and imagine some of you have enjoyed similar 
pleasures... I am wondering whether anyone could advise about a method of 
generating online help (formerly webhelp produced using FM and RoboHelp) where 
MediaWiki is the source? 

The challenge is that the help system needs to work without access to the web. 
Would anyone know of a case where an entire wiki instance was shipped with a 

Your thoughts much appreciated!
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