Free 1-hour webinar:
"Using pdfmark commands to define Acrobat features in FrameMaker: an 

December 15, starting 10am PST

[ Register at: ]

Are you interested in PDF settings beyond what can be specified in 
FrameMaker -- such as custom bookmarks (e.g. pointing to web sites, e-mail 
feedback, search), initial view settings, custom named destinations ?

pdfmark, an extension to the PostScript page description language, enables 
you to specify PDF features in your source FrameMaker files.
When processed by Distiller, the PDF features you specify will be created 
automatically (no need to redefine the features in Acrobat everytime you 
update your content and have to recreate the PDF).

The session starts with some use cases and an overview of pdfmark commands 
(with pointers to additional information), and proceeds to 
discuss/demonstrate pdfmark insertion mechanisms (including PostScript text 
frames in FrameMaker files, hypertext markers and "shortcuts" with 
FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers, prologue/epilogue files).

(not FM/Acrobat version-specific)

Shlomo Perets

FrameMaker/TCS training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants

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