At 02:56 -0800 5/12/11, hessiansx4 wrote:

>I could use some insight into a situation I haven't encountered before today: 
>how does one best respond to a request (read: order) to include something in 
>their product's documentation about a functionality that will not be released 
>with the upcoming release (it will still be in development) but is hoped to be 
>ready "shortly" (whatever that means) after the product is released.

I have just caught up with this thread, and was reminded of one of the nicest 
things that was ever said to me in my career as a tech author: 'I think we'll 
implement it the way you've described it in the user guide'. ;-)

The legal point Lea made is important, I guess, and probably more so in the US. 
How about borrowing a tactic from the advertising industry and putting in a 
disclaimer to the effect that 'This feature may not be present in some versions 
of the software', omitting to mention that it's not present in any of them? ;-)

It's been a long day...

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