Sounds like a software bug. You might try rolling back the patch to 9.4.5
or earlier until it works again.

Baruch Brodersen

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Carol J. Elkins <celkins at>wrote:

> I've always been able to use Acrobat's "Read Out Loud" feature to help me
> proof complex documents by having Acrobat read the PDF aloud while I read
> the original to check for discrepancies. Since upgrading to Acrobat 9 Pro
> Extended version 9.4.6 on Windows 7, I can't get the Read Out Loud feature
> to work. The document is fully tagged, the sound and speakers are working
> correctly. After activating the Read Out Loud feature (View->Read Out
> Loud->Activate Read Out Loud), when I select any of the options (e.g., Read
> This Page Only or Read to End of Document), Acrobat crashes. It doesn't
> matter if I'm using a PDF generated from Framemaker or one downloaded from
> Adobe's site.
> I've read through Adobe's Help forums and can't find a solution. Has
> anyone had and successfully resolved this problem?:
> Carol
> ********************************************
> Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
> Making Information Understandable
> Phone: 719-948-3773
> mailto:celkins at awrittenword.**com <celkins at>
> *********************************************
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