On 08.12.2011 17:20, Robert Carel wrote:
> I am creating links to a reference that contains about 600 unsorted
> heading 1s (my potential link targets). In FrameMaker, I have to
> scroll through the para list of unsorted heading 1s for each link I
> want to create. I have many links to create and it is difficult to
> scroll through the para list for each link. Any ideas on how to do
> this more effectively? Can I use a search to find the link target?
> ROBERT CAREL | Technical Publications Manager | Accela, Inc. | (925)
> 659-3267

It would be helpful to have a little more information describing 
exactly what you are trying to achieve, and how.

Are you just talking about cross-references?  Or are you creating 
hyperlink markers for some different purpose?

Would you be able to create a stand-alone List of Paragraphs 
(Alphabetical) (specifying tag 'heading 1' and creating hypertext links) 
and then flesh that document out with whatever other content you want?

More info, please!

Stuart Rogers

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