Laura Fergusson wrote: 

> I want to have an image, taken from the reference pages, to indicate a
> caution. When I apply the Caution style to some text, I want the image
> to appear as well, so all I have to do is add the specific text. I'm
> pretty sure this can be done as I used templates years ago which had
> this for the note, caution and warning styles.
> I do not have any side heads in my master pages and the rest of my
> styles go right to the left margin. How do I get the image to appear as
> part of the style? I can get the line above and below, and the rest of
> the style ok, but not this part. Help!

Create a table -- one row and either two or three columns, depending on whether 
you want "CAUTION" as its own paragraph in its own cell, or as part of the 
"texthere" paragraph. Either way, make the word the autonumber of the paragraph.

In the left-most cell, put the paragraph to which you assign the ref page 
graphic frame as Frame Above (or Below; either works depending on how you set 
up the spacing/margins). 

Set the column widths and use the table's Ruling and, if desired, Shading 
settings to get the appearance you want. Then save it as a new format, say, 
"CautionTable." FM remembers the paragraphs in the first row as the defaults 
for that table, so whenever you insert a CautionTable, the graphic will be 
there automatically, the word "CAUTION" will be there automatically, and you're 
ready to enter the caution text. 

Create similar tables for notes and warnings, etc. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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