Setting up the paragraph autonumbering format is only one part of the process. 
To accomplish what you describe, you also have to set the Paragraph tab of the 
Numbering Properties dialog to "Continue Numbering from Previous Paragraph in 
Book" rather than "Restart Paragraph Numbering" (which is the default 
behavior). The easiest way to do this is to highlight the group of files that 
need to be changed in the book window, then right-clicking on the group and 
choosing Numbering Properties from the context menu.

Note that this properties setting affects all paragraph numbering in each file, 
and that the behavior of the two settings is not symmetrical. If you set 
"Restart...", *all* paragraph numberign will restart. But if you set the 
numbering properties to "Continue...", it is still possible to set up the 
paragraph numbering formats so that certain numbering counters are explicitly 
reset in each chapter.

Also note than many legacy FrameMaker templates use continuous numbering for 
figures and/or tables because in Frame versions prior to 6.0 there was no 
Numbering properties sheet. The default behavior was to continue numbering and 
you had to specifically design numbering formats and correctly apply the 
special paragraph tags to make any of the numbering restart. But when Frame 6.0 
introduced the numbering properties sheet and the $chapnum and $volnum system 
variables, it became *much* easier to implement the chapter-item form of 
numbering that is generally considered to provide easier navigation to figures 
and tables in printed documents, and many templates were updated to that form 
of numbering.

-Fred Ridder 

To: framers at
Subject: Figure numbers that span all chapters in a book
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 14:52:59 -0600

Season's greetings, fellow Framers!

I'm using unstructured FM 8 on Windows XP, and I have a set of FM documents 
that currently identify figures with consecutive numbers that span all chapters 
of the book. For example, chapter 1 has figures 1?5, chapter 2 has figures 
6?10, and chapter 3 has figures 11-15. I defined a new paragraph format in a 
different template (using a new paragraph name) that I thought matched the 
definition in the original FM documents, applied the current template to the 
original FM documents, renamed all paragraphs using the old paragraph format to 
the new format name, and regenerated the book. Now all figure numbers are 
getting reset to 1 at the start of each chapter. I'd like to keep the figure 
numbers that span all chapters of the book, but I can't determine how it was 
done in the original FM documents. The paragraph format I'm using has an 
Autonumber Format of F:Figure <n+1>: .  Ideas, anyone?


Doug Edwards                                      
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