On 22/12/2011 3:25 PM, Rick Quatro wrote:
> I am sorry for the off-topic post, but Framers tend to be smart in a broad
> range of disciplines. So here goes:
> I have 4 versions of FrameMaker installed on my computer. If I right-click
> on a .fm file in Windows Explorer (Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit), and choose
> the Open With submenu, I see 4 FrameMaker listings as I would expect.
> However, they all say "Adobe FrameMaker 10", even though each icon is
> correct for its version of FrameMaker. I can pick the correct version based
> on the icon, but I would like to be able to correct the list so that they
> don't all say "Adobe FrameMaker 10". I assume that this is a registry issue,
> but I don't know where to look. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
> Rick

Hi Rick,

I don't know Win7, so this may not apply anymore, but in XP, there is a 
folder called SendTo in Documents and Settings\<user> which contains all 
the shortcuts that appear in that context menu.  Try doing a search for 
that folder name -- it might be as simple as renaming the shortcuts you 
find there.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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