Hmm .. after re-reading Richard's post, I saw something that I had 
missed before. The "IndexIX" and "OtherIndexIX" para formatting that is 
applied to the page numbers only. This may actually be good enough to be 
able to flag the page numbers with alternate formatting based on the 
marker type. It doesn't apply formatting to the whole entry, but this 
could do the trick.

Again .. thanks Richard, for the very detailed reply to my question!


Scott Prentice wrote:
> Hi Richard...
> Thanks for the very detailed explanation. I should have provided a bit 
> more info on this. I do understand how indexes are formatted and 
> generated, but what I was hoping for was that there was some way to 
> assign unique IX reference flows to each marker type and in some way 
> have this assign different Level<N>IX para tags .. I assumed this 
> wasn't possible, and it sounds like this is the case. I was hoping to 
> avoid manually assigning character formatting to each entry.
> Frank's semi-automated approach to adding the character formatting is 
> interesting, but it would be great if this could be done based on 
> marker type to reference page mapping.
> Cheers,
> ...scott
> Combs, Richard wrote:
>> Scott Prentice wrote:
>>> If you create an index from multiple marker types, is there a way to
>>> apply different formatting to the resulting entries from each marker
>>> type? Like, is there a way to assign one reference page to be the
>>> formatting for the "Index" markers and another reference page to be the
>>> formatting for the "OtherIndex" markers?
>>> I'm thinking the answer is no .. but wanted to check with y'all.
>> It's not clear what you want to format. But in any case, you don't 
>> assign reference pages to anything. If you create an index, a text 
>> box containing the IX flow is created on a reference page (which by 
>> default is also named IX). The contents of the IX flow specify how 
>> the index is generated, ordered, and formatted.
>> The IndexIX paragraph, which typically contains "<$pagenum>," tells 
>> FM to include page-number references to markers of type Index. You 
>> can include another marker type in your index by creating a pgf like 
>> IndexIX, but named after the second marker type, e.g., OtherIndexIX. 
>> It can be formatted differently -- for instance, you could make it 
>> bold or italic -- but that formatting will be applied only to the 
>> page number.
>> The Level1IX, Level2IX, etc., pgf formats are used for the index 
>> entries at those levels. So every 1st-level index entry will have the 
>> same pgf format, whether it's from an Index marker or an OtherIndex 
>> marker.
>> If you want the text for an OtherIndex entry formatted differently, 
>> the solution is simple. But you have to do it in the marker text when 
>> you create the OtherIndex marker. You can include character formats, 
>> enclosed in angle brackets, in the marker text. For instance, let's 
>> say you have a char format named Other that formats the text the way 
>> you want the OtherIndex entries to look. To create an entry for 
>> "configuration," put this in the marker text:
>>     <Other>configuration<Default Para Font>
>> These things, and a lot more that you can do, are reasonably well 
>> explained in the help/manual under "Tables of Contents and Indexes."
>> HTH!
>> Richard G. Combs
>> Senior Technical Writer
>> Polycom, Inc.
>> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
>> 303-223-5111
>> ------
>> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
>> 303-903-6372
>> ------

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