Angela Akridge wrote: 

> I basically have a "hybrid" help system that calls both Frame source
> and MS
> Word source. I use WebWorks. The help output looks great, and a
> customer
> can't distinguish the underlying source. However, I need to link
> (cross-reference/hyperlink) between these two sources.
> Is there a way to link from a Frame source (H1) to an MS Word source
> (H1)?
> Since they are both proprietary, I think not.

It's always a good idea to provide information about your environment, software 
versions, etc. For instance, it would be helpful to know what kind of help 
output you're creating -- WebWorks Help, HTMLHelp (.chm), simple HTML, DHTML -- 
and whether it's being deployed on a server or installed locally. 

If the help system consists of HTML files, you can use hypertext commands of 
type "Go to URL" in the FM source and point them to the _output_ file (not the 
Word source), perhaps to an anchor within the output file, e.g.: 

        Message URL SomeHTMLPage.html#12345 

I'm not sure how you create anchors in Word. In FM, you could use TopicAlias 
markers. With a little more information about your project, maybe someone who's 
done something similar can provide a more specific response. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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