Tim Pann wrote: 

> I want to create a new master page that's a landscape legal size,
> meaning 8.5 tall and 14 wide.
> I did this by creating an empty master page, and then setting its page
> size to 8.5 x 14. But I get a warning saying this:
> The new column layout in <filename> seems to overlap other objects on
> the Right master page. Are you sure you want to do this?
> I don't understand what this means, but I click OK. Then all of my
> master pages, including other custom master pages as well as Right and
> Left, are suddenly 8.5 x 14, in their original orientation.
> Anybody understand how I can fix this?

You can't mix page sizes in an FM file. Orientation, yes (rotated pages). But 
sizes, no. You have to use a separate file for the legal pages. This really 
isn't much of a burden -- you just have to get the numbering set right for that 
file (and maybe the one after it) in the book window. For instance, assuming 
that the legal pages occur in the middle of a chapter, you'd have to set 
Chapter Number for that file and the one that follows it to be the same as the 
previous file. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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