On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 16:20:06 -0600 (CST), Nancy Allison 
<maker at verizon.net> wrote:

>I've inherited a FrameMaker book with dozens of copied graphics. 
>I've got to identify them and import them properly, but doing 
>the job manually will take way too long. I hoped that saving 
>to .mif would give me the names of the copied files, but it 

That's because it can't.  Frame does not keep the names
or paths of embedded graphics anywhere, at all.

>At http://www.microtype.com/resources/FM_utilities.pdf I found 
>one utility called TOOLBOX Package 3 that can do it, but the 
>price is too high. 

The info for it to do that just isn't there.  Really.

>Do you know of any other way to identify the copied graphics?

Mif2Go can export them in their original format, unaltered,
but gives them names based on the file containing them plus
a sequence number (not in order of appearance in the doc).
You don't need to buy Mif2Go, the demo version will do it.
See the Usrer's Guide, par. 2.5.3, "Replacing embedded 
graphics with referenced graphics", for full step-by-step 

Then you can look at the graphics in some previewing app,
and choose appropriate names for them.  Finally, for each
of the embedded images, select the image (not the frame)
and use File > Import > File to replace it with the one 
you extracted.  That's really the best you can do.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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