I have a book totaling 80 consecutive pages but made up of several files. 
I have been asked by our Quality dept. to use Page X of Y in my footers 
(the result of an audit). When I put in the Page Count variable, I get the 
page count of the individual file (the Y part of the page count footer), 
not of the whole book. 

So, file 1 has Page 1 of 2, file 2 has Page 3 of 16, etc. I need them to 
be Page 1 of 80, Page 3 of 80, etc. Is there a variable or some other 
method I'm not familiar with that will accomplish this? I've checked the 
Help file and did a quick Google search on page variables, but found 
nothing useful.

I'm using Frame 6 on Win XP SP3.


Eric Isaacson
Product Literature Manager
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

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