Follow-up: Well, the reason I couldn't find anyplace on the entire 
Internet that had a copy of the old InDesign CS4 Template folder is 
because Adobe wouldn't release it. This morning, 
announced that after a year of wrangling with Adobe, they were 
finally given permission to distribute those templates on their site.

Hope this helps anyone else wanting good FREE InDesign templates.

On 7/7/2011 Carol Elkins wrote:
Framers, I'm teaching myself InDesign CS5, and as of version CS4, 
Adobe no longer provides a folder of sample templates. When I taught 
myself Framemaker 200 years ago, I found their well-designed 
templates to be an excellent point of reference and helped me make 
better decisions about the set-up of my personally designed 
templates. If anyone would be willing to share their Template folder 
from an older version of InDesign, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
Making Information Understandable
Phone: 719-948-3773
mailto:celkins at

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