I do not know if it is altogether a bad thing to be using Frame 7. I sort of
just wanted to know that other people are also using Frame of that vintage.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Alan Houser <arh at groupwellesley.com> wrote:

> If you check the PDF properties of Apple's documentation, you will find
> that a surprising number are authored and published in FrameMaker 7.
> InDesign CS3 is also popular there.
> And the TechCrunch blog recently forecast that Apple-based readers will
> outnumber Windows-based readers by the end of 2012.
> http://techcrunch.com/2011/02/27/apple-versus-microsoft-share/
> I know the "FrameMaker on Mac" horse was beaten to death long ago, but
> perhaps it's time for Adobe to consider reviving the horse...
> -Alan
> ---
> Alan Houser, President
> Group Wellesley, Inc.
> 412-363-3481
> www.groupwellesley.com
> On 3/1/2011 8:18 AM, Steve Rickaby wrote:
>> At 13:25 +0200 1/3/11, Carrie Baker wrote:
>> Are others in the same boat?
>>> Is there any point in trying to get an upgrade to version 9, and then at
>>> a later point upgrading again?
>> Frame 7 on Mac here, so doubly stuck.

Carrie Baker
carriebak at gmail.com
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