Everette, Dimi wrote:

> Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I'm excited about getting FM 10 here
> at work. I've been using FM9 for a couple of years, and it was a huge
> improvement over 7.2 to me. I've used only unstructured and I'm just
> doing run-of-the-mill technical publications, but I love FrameMaker--
> always have and always will (probably!).
> FM 7.2 was good enough for a long time, but I discovered that it didn't
> play well with some of the older books I work on, especially the large
> ones. Then came FM 9 and the nifty redesign--yeah, some of it's a PITA
> but you get used to it. After attending the Adobe webinar about TCS3
> and one about FM 10, I am ready to go to the next level.

I was eager to switch to FM9/TCS2 when we got it, but after weeks of trying, I 
still couldn't achieve an FM > RH > online help workflow that didn't require 
lots of manual work in RH. Numbered lists in particular were an insurmountable 
issue for me. I mean, really -- hanging indents kludged with non-breaking 
spaces? What is this, 1989?

So, since OLH is my major deliverable right now, I'm sticking with the FM7.2 > 
ePub workflow that was kind of handed to me a few years ago -- it just works. 

I gather that some of my issues with FM > RH integration may have been resolved 
in TCS3, so I wouldn't mind giving that a try. 

But I'd want Shlomo Perets' ToolbarPlus Express 
(www.microtype.com/resources.html) and Klaus Daube's Enhanced Toolbar ... um 
... enhancement for that (www.daube.ch/docu/fmaker55.html). The oh-so-cool, 
Bauhaus-like monotone gray interface introduced in FM9 leaves me cold and is 
seriously lacking in terms of usability. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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