VLM TechSubs wrote:

> I apply 2 character tags to a word in a heading.?Both tags are
> correctly reflected in the appearance of that word. But when I produce
> a ToC, only the last tag applied is reflected in the format of the
> corresponding word.
> Obviously, I could make a "special" tag to take care of this ... and
> I'm not all that fond of tag proliferation and the use of roughly one-
> off tags. Is there another solution?

FM only "remembers" one char tag for a given text string. When you apply two 
char tags, you're creating an override. It's as if you'd applied the first char 
tag's settings as ad hoc formatting. Since I never apply multiple char tags, I 
wasn't aware that doing so would affect a TOC entry. 

I suggest you create a single char tag that correctly formats the text -- bold 
and red, italic and small caps, or whatever. For one thing, you'll avoid those 
overrides and thus have a purer soul. For another, it will make things much 
easier when, some day in the future, you have to change all instances of that 
word (a product name, maybe?) to, say, small caps and cerulean blue. :-)

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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