Hi Rebecca,
Shlomo Perets has a very good cheat sheet available you may find helpful


Baruch Brodersen

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Frasure, Rebecca - APHIS <
Rebecca.L.Frasure at aphis.usda.gov> wrote:

>  I learned this so long ago I can?t remember; is there a way to write a
> hypertext marker so that you open a pdf manual on a certain page?****
> ** **
> FM9 ****
> WinXP****
> ** **
> Thanks everyone!****
> ** **
> ** **
> Rebecca Frasure****
> Editorial Assistant****
> 92 Thomas Johnson Drive, Suite 200****
> Frederick, MD 21702-4593****
> phone:  240-529-0353****
> fax: 240-529-0399****
> rebecca.l.frasure at aphis.usda.gov****
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