Thanks for this input and to the other replies that came back to me direct.

You're right Fred, I was working on the format <current page> of <total
pages> and I have since found out about having to make a cross reference to
the last document in the book. (As an aside, I'm stunned that a piece if
software in its tenth iteration, costing over 900 Pounds, does not do this
in a more direct way.)  I have to admit I've tried to stay away from cross
references in the past as I've not trusted them but I now know that I need
to tackle them for this purpose and for other features of the manual.
However, I'm having trouble.

So I'm using FrameMaker 10 on Windows 7 and trying to insert cross
references to a figure number.

I've followed the instructions, added the cross reference from the pod,
chosen the Paragraph Tag (Figure n+) from the list, selected specific
paragraph from the Paragraphs list and chosen the format 'Figure No.' from
the Formats list.

When I click insert I get 'Figure <n>' instead of 'Figure 19'. I've tried
saving it, updating references and even printing it but I can't get it to
display the actual figure number.

As far as I can see I've done exactly what the online help says, checked the
course notes from the training that I spent a fortune on and I've done a
search of the web. Nothing gives any indication that I should be seeing this
or how it should come out.

Does anybody have any suggestions because I'm beginning to lose faith in
FrameMaker to ever do what it says?



From: Fred Ridder  
Sent: 04 April 2012 22:50
To: andy.smith at
Subject: RE: Numbering problems in a book

If I correctly understand what you've written (and I must say it is a bit
confusing...), your real problem is that you want to use page numbering of
the form 
  <current page> of <total pages>
Is that correct? If so, I think you've implemented it incorrectly because
the provided page count system variable is indeed on a file-by-file basis.
What you need to do is put a marker on the last page of the last file in the
book, and use a cross-reference to that marker from the master pages in each
chapter file. 

The conflict warnings should not be a continuing issue as long as you are
saving all of the chapter files after doing the book update, because the
numbering that is generated in the book is rippled down into the chapter


To: framers at
Subject: Numbering problems in a book
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 16:59:54 +0100


Frame 10, Windows 7, 

Is there some esoteric secret to getting the numbering to behave in a book?
I've been bitten by this before so I've been quite careful this time only to
access the numbering dialog through the book window. Despite that I still
get a warning of conflicts between numbering in the book and in the
document. Then I find that when I set the numbering for pages and paragraphs
they rarely stick. I'm running update book but I'm wondering if there is
something else that I'm missing. At the moment my document is showing the
page numbers following on from each chapter into the next but the total
number of pages is showing the number of pages in the chapter rather than
the total number of pages in the book. 

I seem to have a lot of trouble getting this to work and considering
FrameMaker's reputation for stability once it's set up it doesn't seem to be
very reliable.

Andy W. Smith

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