Joy Kocar had some mostly excellent suggestions regarding text insets. Just a 
few comments/clarifications. 

> Ditto what Jeff said.
> We have FrameMaker 10 unstructured books.
> Examples of insets are copyright information and terminology. We reuse
> these in every book so they are consistent.
> We use a spreadsheet to keep track of the insets and what books they
> are in.
> Keep headings in the container file instead of the inset so you can
> plop the inset anywhere in another book. In one book it may be a level
> 2 heading while in another it may be a level 3.

I'll ditto that. It also helps with indexing and cross-referencing (see below) 
if the index and xref markers (typically in the topic headings) are in the 
container file.

> Cross-references from one inset to another don't seem to work. If
> anyone knows otherwise, please let me know!

They do (within FM) if created properly -- by first creating the xref marker at 
the destination and then pointing to it in the container doc. For more details, 
see this post of mine: 

That post also explains how to make the xrefs work in PDF. Rick Quatro 
( has scripts to automate that process. 

For many more posts about text insets and xrefs (some of them useful, some full 
of misinformation), use this Google search string: 

text inset cross-references

> We have a special paragraph tag that we use as the first paragraph in
> an inset. If we don't, FM does weird things to the fonts. The tag uses
> a 2pt font so it doesn't take up much space.

It's a bug that comes up every few months on this list. Your solution is one 
workaround; I prefer another, simpler one. See the following: 

> We have a separate with all the insets so we can do global
> searches. FM doesn't search insets within a container file. We can also
> make global format changes if our template changes.

Good idea. But you can simplify further. You may not need a book, just one 
file. Every text inset is a complete flow. But a single FM file can contain a 
large number of flows (I'm not sure what the limit is, but I've exceeded a 
hundred). You just add a disconnected page, give the text frame a unique flow 
name, rinse, and repeat. When you import a text inset into the container, 
specify the file containing all those text inset flows. FM will prompt you to 
select the specific flow you want. 

> Off the top of my head, those are the things that come to mind. Hope
> that helps.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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