there are still Ventura newsgroups on the Corel site.

There's a  Ventura FAQ at

On 4/23/2012 2:29 PM, David Creamer wrote:
> I have a number of text  files that came from Ventura Publisher that look
> like this:
> @REF =        II.3:2
> The means are<F38978M>e.<F255D>   to understand after the
> @BOOK = T-4
> @REF =        IV.2:6
> is much<F38978M>e.<F255D>   than trying to think against it.
> @BOOK = T-6
> @REF =        V.B.9:3
> step is<F38978M>e.<F255D>   than the first because it follows.
> @BOOK = T-19
> @REF =        III.6:6
> <F38978M>e.<F255D>   to believe that you have been mistaken
> @BOOK = T-23
> @REF =        II.21:5
> another, nor that return from one is<F38978M>e..<F255D>
> @BOOK = T-24
> @REF =        VI.13:1
> believe it<F38978M>e.<F255D>   to see your brother's body
> @BOOK = T-25
> @REF =        VI.2:3
> (This is just a random example.)
> I have Ventura Publisher 10 and it does not read them properly (although I
> am far from a VP expert--I tried the open and import menus).
> The client has Frame 6; I have Frame 8-10 on my system, but can install 7 on
> an older system.
> I know early versions of Frame has a Ventura import feature, but I don't
> know if it will work with these files.
> Is there any way to work with these files? Third-party program suggestions
> are welcome too.
> My only other thought is some GREP Find/Change work.
> Thank you in advance,
> David Creamer
> IDEAS Training
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