But, if I use the <$paranum>, I get the word "Figure" with it too.
I want to eliminate the word Figure for the LOF generated file.
I only want it to show: #-# (U) Title??I-I (example)

Brenda L. Waltermeyer
Lead Desktop Publisher
Force Projection Department
Publications and Visual Communication
KCA Room 8-375
EXT. 88748

From: Fred Ridder <docudoc at hotmail.com<mailto:docu...@hotmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 8:04 AM
To: JHU/APL <Brenda.Waltermeyer at jhuapl.edu<mailto:Brenda.Waltermeyer at 
jhuapl.edu>>, "framers at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers at 
lists.frameusers.com>" <framers at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers at 
Subject: RE: FrameMaker 8.0 TOC building blocks

In the LOF file, on the LOF reference page, try chaninging the <$paranumonly> 
building block to <$paranum>. The <$paranumonly> building block is designed to 
pick up only the numbers (and any separators between the digits) and omit any 
other following content produced by the autonumbering format. In other words, 
it is specifically designed to *eliminate* the kind of extra characters you are 
trying to add. <$paranum>, by contrast, picks up the entire autonumbering 

-Fred Ridder

From: Brenda.Waltermeyer at jhuapl.edu<mailto:brenda.walterme...@jhuapl.edu>
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 07:36:34 -0400
Subject: FrameMaker 8.0 TOC building blocks

My client uses Windows XP and FrameMaker 8.0

I need to include specially marked reference for each of my titles (i.e., # (U) 

Currently have in the Paragraph Design ? Numbering:

F:Figure\ <$chapnum> \+<n+>\s#(U)\s#

Which shows on my page as:

Figure 1-1 (U) This is a figure title style

As for the LOF generated file ? View ? Reference Pages:

Currently have:

<$paranumonly><$paratext> ?????????..<$chapnum>-<<$pagenum>

Which shows on my page as:

1-1This is a figure title style???????????.1-1

I want it to say:

1-1 (U) This is a figure title style??????????1-1


How do I achieve this with out typing the (U) with my title in the body text of 
the document.
I want to have FM do this automatically. Any help or idea are greatly 

Brenda L. Waltermeyer
Lead Desktop Publisher
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Force Projection Department
Publications and Visual Communication
KCA Room 8-375
EXT. 88748

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