Yup. Most of them were replies to questions posted the last few days of July 
and the first week of August. I assume they got held by the mail server for 
some reason and then sent with today's date when the logjam was cleared. It's 
hard to tell whether the original queries are actually new ones or whether they 
are similarly aged and have been unanswered for three weeks.

-Fred Ridder

> From: richard.combs at Polycom.com
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 08:34:18 -0700
> Subject: Big batch of old messages arrived this morning
> This morning, my FrameUsers folder contained 50 "new" messages, some dating 
> back to Aug. 1. I'm wondering if others have had the same experience, or if 
> it's something done to me by the mail system here. 
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-903-6372
> ------
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