I might be the only one confused... but what is the point of a defect
tracker to develop a glossary? Are you trying to use the tracker as a
means of handling review and edit? I mean... there's TONS of ways to
handle such a workflow, if the goal is merely:
* Someone comes up with a new term for the glossary, and defines it.
* The term and definition is shopped around various SMEs and interested
parties, for comments/edits.
* The term is added to some kind of FM file/book and the deliverable
(CHM file?) is re-generated and re-published.

Hell, it could be done with an Outlook task or an email chain; it could
be done on an internal, developmental wiki; it could be done in a
regular (e.g., weekly, monthly) meeting for all new term additions at

I guess... uh, I guess I just don't understand why this is even a
question? Can you provide further details about tools limitations,
contributor requirements/restrictions, or other business needs that
might be impacting your choice of workflows, which is leading you to
reach out for advice...?

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