Current file only, unless that's changed with FM11 (and I doubt it).

Where I work, we have a sort-of-similar issue, and we solved it by
using cross-references. It means you'll have to remember to check that
you're pointing to the right files if you add any new ones in, but it
beats typing everything in (and you'd have to manually update that
way, too).

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Roger Shuttleworth <shuttie27 at> 
> Hello All
> FM11.0.1.382 on Windows Vista.
> I have a FM book that is divided into parts, with divider files that
> indicate where a part begins. After the divider file comes the first chapter
> in that part. I want to insert a running header/footer to catch the title
> from the divider file and put it in the following chapter files' headers. So
> for example:
> book
>   part 1: Inventory
>       chapter 1: Setting up inventory
> In the header for chapter 1 I want to pick up the word "Inventory" from my
> divider file.
> I understand that, using <$paratext[paratag]> in the running H/f I can
> define the paratag to use, and FrameMaker searches backwards until it comes
> across a matching paragraph. But does it search preceding files, or just the
> current file? (Because in my testing it only seems to find things in the
> current file.)
> Thanks.
> Roger Shuttleworth
> London, Canada
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Lin Sims

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