Roman Banks wrote:

> Sometimes, when Framemaker performs a lengthy and time-consuming
> operation, I get the "Framemaker (Not Responding)" message, even if it
> does not get stuck completely. I think, using a progress bar instead of
> this stupid and misleading?message would be more appropriate. When
> seeing this message, an inexperienced user may just try to exit
> Framemaker instead of waiting a bit longer.

I'm guessing that you're running Windows 7 and that "Framemaker (Not 
Responding)" appears in the title bar of the FM window. That's not a message 
from FM, it's from the OS. 

IMO, Win 7 is far too quick to pull the trigger on the "Not Responding" message 
when an application takes more than a (very) few seconds to respond to input. 
I've seen that message for several other apps, including Outlook, Word, and 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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