I like Yves' novel solution!

To clarify, the Ctrl-Tab doesn't actually take you back to the source of the 
cross-reference, but is the key which switches between open documents. (similar 
to Alt-Tab in Windows)

When you activate a hyperlink in FM, the "last" document you were in happens to 
have the hyperlink, so you're closer to the link than you were. 

I have noticed lately that I get placed on the first page of my document. 
Usually I can use a cursor key (or the Go To command) to quickly navigate to my 
insertion point.


Matt Sullivan 
technical communication | online training | eLearning

twitter: @mattrsullivan
phone: 714 960-6840 

On Dec 13, 2012, at 7:09 AM, Yves Barbion <yves.barbion at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steve
> Try the following:
> Hold down CTRL+ALT and click a cross-reference to jump to the target, which 
> is in a different file in the book.
> Hold down CTRL and press the TAB key to jump back to the source of the 
> cross-reference.
> Does this work?
> Cheers
> -- 
> Yves Barbion
> www.scripto.nu
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