Sorry, I never saw the message that said that she had tried that approach,
but the way that I described it has worked for me in the past.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Rickaby [] 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Tammy Van Boening; 'Pat Christenson'; framers at
Subject: RE: Restore a corrupt file?

At 12:35 -0700 27/2/12, Tammy Van Boening wrote:

>Can you try the heroic open approach? In FM, create new empty file (you
>to file a blank file open to use this command), then press, one after
>another Esc o H. In the File Open dialog box, select the bad file. If it
>opens, immediately save it as a .mif.

Pat said she'd tried 'open heroic' with no luck, Tammy. But your description
of open heroic differs a bit from what I thought it was, so maybe hers does
too and she didn't try it as you describe.

Are corrupted files a common issue with FrameMaker 10? I may be going there
sometime soon (from 7). I know I'll be bringing the Furies down on me by
writing this, but in 20 years, from v 3 to v 7, I don't remember a corrupt
FrameMaker document.

What I *do* remember are files that FrameMaker refused to recognize as
FrameMaker files because the opening '<MakerFile v.x>' in the binary, where
'v' is the FrameMaker version and 'x' is an uppercase ASCII letter (patch
code?) had somehow gotten changed. Might be worth having a look at this with
a binary editor. I am looking at files here with:

<MakerFile 7.0H>
<MakerFile 6.0J>

but have no higher versions to check.

These lines seem to always be followed by a blank line, but after that a
FrameMaker doc goes into pure binary aside from the text, one line per para.
At least the text could be recovered this way, if nothing else works.


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