Hi Gay,
Surprisingly, FM10 is much more stable than FM9. It does crash from time to 
time, but not as often as FM9 did. An additional advantage of FM10 is the 
introduction of the Extendscripts. If you have a good command of Javascript, 
you will rule!

 From: Gay Alson <GALSON at epicor.com>
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 12:33 AM
Subject: Frame 9 buggy - Frame 10 as bad?  Frame 11 on horizon?

Hello Framers,
I use conditional text a lot. ?A LOT. ?Frame 9 seems to crash on a daily, 
sometimes hourly, basis. Others in my department haven?t experienced this 
behavior, but don?t use conditional text like I do. The ?.recover? files drive 
me crazy because I always feel I should compare them to the source .fm file, 
but even FM warns against using .recover files. And of all the times I 
laboriously made comparisons, I found exactly once when the source doc was 
missing something in the .recover file.
Anyway, I?m not really writing to vent, more to ask if Frame 10 is any better 
when it comes to conditional text ? my brief research leads me to believe 10 
fixes a lot of the problems in 9 but introduces new ones. So this may be a case 
of the known devil? 
There?s a possibility we can upgrade soon, but now I?m wondering if we should 
wait another year (?) till FM 11. ?Frankly, I lobbied so long and hard to make 
the move from Word to FM (7.2) but ever since upgrading to 9, I?ve regretted it.
Parenthetically, we?re also curious about the output to various versions of 
online help in 10.
Any opinions or experiences you care to share will be received with interest 
and thanks.
Gay Alson
Senior Technical Writer
Epicor Retail
Tel.: (514) 428-2116
Fax: (514) 426-0824
E-mail: galson at epicor.com
2800 Trans Canada Highway, Pointe Claire QC H9R 1T1



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