Hi All,

I have recently inherited a new library of FM docs. All of the docs were 
leveraged out of legacy FM files, meaning that many of the original projects 
were created way back in FM 5 and just got updated to whatever the current FM 
version was at the time that the product line changes necessitated a doc 
update. I am attempting to establish some basic unstructured FM discipline and 
create some templates along the way, so that I can move toward some basic 
unstructured single-sourcing (as a first step toward a goal of XML/DITA). Most 
of this is just the typical clean-up stuff, but there are two paragraph format 
issues that have me stumped:

1.??? Table footnotes: Is there some FM bug that is triggered by using a format 
name other than "TableFootnote" for the paragraph format for table footnotes?? 
The files have two paragraph formats for table footnotes: "tbl footnote" and 
"TableFootnote" ? with "TableFootnote" being the paragraph format listed in the 
Footnote Properties window for Table Footnotes. If I change that setting to 
point to "tbl footnote" the footnotes jump to superscript position, even though 
the Footnote Properties for Table Footnotes is still set to baseline position. 
Even if I delete the "tbl footnote" paragraph format, save the file, then 
rename "TableFootnote" as "tbl footnote" to create a new paragraph format for 
"tbl footnote" it still has the same problem. The footnotes below the tables 
only show the correct baseline position when "TableFootnote" is the paragraph 

2.??? Widow/orphan controls: In the generated files (TOC, LOT, LOF, IX/IOM, 
etc.) in my books I am finding that the *TOC, *LOT, *LOF, *IX, *IOM, etc., 
paragraph format settings for widow/orphan of 2 lines or 3 lines aren't 
working. Is it because FM ignores this setting for active paragraph formats 
used in generated files? Should I just do some crude manipulations via keep 
with previous/next? Am I missing some setting? Or is this why the TOC Breaker 
plugin was developed...? I'm attaching sample files of these as well.

I do have FrameScript (v5, I think?), Rick Quatro's TableCleaner plugin and 
several of his scripts including FindChangeFormatsBatch, Systec's Toolbox (free 
version), some of the CudSpan doc Tools, many of Silicon Prairie's Tools, [itl] 
scripts, several of Bruce Foster's and Karsten Natebus's plugins... These tools 
make FM so much more usable! So, if there is something that could leverage any 
of these tools (or some other plugin, just name it) to solve these riddles, 
please let me know. 


Rene L. Stephenson
eNovative Solutions Email: rinnie1 at yahoo.com
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