Or don't put text in your images. ;-)

We don't include text in our images for translation purposes.

Further to Mike's comment: 


> From: Mike Wickham <info at mikewickham.com>
>To: framers at lists.frameusers.com 
>Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:17:55 PM
>Subject: Re: Recommended graphic file format for single-sourcing from Frame to 
>I have been searching the web for a few days and can?t seem to find any 
>information on this particular aspect of single-sourcing using the new TCS3. 
>Does it not matter, i.e., does one just set up Robohelp templates to convert 
>.tifs to .jpgs or similar? 
If, as you say,? your content contains screenshots or other graphics that 
contain text, I would not choose JPG as the output format. It tends to put 
artifacts around the text, making it less legible. Use GIF or PNG instead. Use 
JPG for photographs.
>Mike Wickham
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