I did a system restore before I left work, and that allowed me to open a file 
without crashing. However I did not have time to do more testing. I will know 
tomorrow for sure. Will report back.?

--- On Wed, 1/25/12, Brian Chan <chanbr at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Brian Chan <cha...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Frame 9 crashes and can't open any Frame files
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 3:09 PM

Just started this afternoon, every time when I tried to open a Frame doc, I got 
the following error message.?
Internal Error 9004, 6921628, 9677518, 0. FrameMaker has detected a serious 
problem and must quit.
Running FrameMaker 9 on XP.?

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