Andy Smith (WFL) wrote: 

> Does anybody know if there is a quick way of copying large sets of
> table data from a Word doc into a FrameMaker 10 table?

You can't copy _into_ an existing FM table -- the underlying structures are 
just too dissimilar. 

Bring it into FM in one of the ways suggested by Rick, Nadine, and Tammy. Once 
it's a nice, clean FM table, then you can copy/paste the rows into your 
existing FM table. 

Nadine's solution is OK if you only need to do this once or twice. But I'll 
second Tammy's endorsement of Rick's TableCleaner plugin. It's invaluable for 
cleaning up Word tables, and mighty useful for various global changes on native 
FM tables, too. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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