Thanks, Framers, for great explanations and resources.

I have now set the Adobe PDF default printer and unchecked that 
system fonts box in both locations. Note: The box remained unchecked 
in Frame's Print Setup dialog when I booted up this morning, and even 
when I switched to and from a physical printer. Yay!

But I can't rely on printing only from PDF.

--Without changing settings, a PDF often prints slightly smaller than 
the original. That's insignificant for most users of the finished 
PDF. But when type is already at 7 point, any smaller makes 
reading/proofing even more difficult. If I want to check a 
measurement, that inadvertent reduction might make it incorrect. 
Changing settings takes more time than using a physical printer.

--While distilling runs much more smoothly these days than it used 
to, I don't always want to take the time for those extra steps just 
to get a hard copy.

--PDF conversion mangles some obscure formulas/symbols no matter what 
work-arounds I employ. I need to see them correct at least once--my 
physical printer has no problem with them. (But who knows, maybe the 
font box issue will resolve that, too!)

--My physical printer works perfectly for me in every other instance. 
Plus it has stunning output that is slightly reduced in quality if I 
print from the PDF. Again, most people wouldn't notice, but I do.

Thanks again everyone,

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