Here's an AutoIt macro for adding a column and resizing it. Install 
AutoIt (free). Find "Any Table" and copy the desired "table column 
width" before running the macro.
Let me know if you need any help running it.

; Adds a column to the right of each table
; Find "Any Table" and copy a "table column width" before running this macro

Dim $max
Dim $x = 1

$max = InputBox("","How many iterations?","5")
WinActivate("Adobe FrameMaker")
WinWaitActive("Adobe FrameMaker")
While $x <= $max
     Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds
     Send("^+f") ; find next (CTRL+SHIFT+f)
     Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds
     Send("{ESC}tme") ; move insertion point to rightmost cell
     Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds
     Send("{ESC}tcr") ; add column to the right
     Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds
     Send("^v") ; paste (CTRL+v)
     $x = $x + 1

Shmuel Wolfson

On 20-Jul-12 9:21 PM, Tammy Van Boening wrote:
> Adding a column to multiple tables
> All,
> I havea twochapters in a guide that I am currently working on that
> have over 100 tables each. The format for the tables was supposedly
> locked down, but now, I have been asked to add an additional column to
> every table. It would be the last(right-most column) in the table and
> it must have  width of 1.25". Is there a way to semi-automate this
> process as at all in Framemaker? If I were copying rows that would be
> one thing as Framemaker gives you the optionabout the location topaste
> copied table rowsbut not w/ columns. Right now, I am just pointing and
> clicking and using the Insert column and Resize column options and at
> this rate, I will burn half a day!
> Thanks,
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-------------- next part --------------
; Adds a column to the right of each table
; Find "Any Table" and copy a "table column width" before running this macro

Dim $max
Dim $x = 1

$max = InputBox("","How many iterations?","5")
WinActivate("Adobe FrameMaker")
WinWaitActive("Adobe FrameMaker")
While $x <= $max
   Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds 
   Send("^+f") ; find next (CTRL+SHIFT+f)
   Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds 
   Send("{ESC}tme") ; move insertion point to rightmost cell
   Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds 
   Send("{ESC}tcr") ; add column to the right
   Sleep(200) ; pause 100 milliseconds 
   Send("^v") ; paste (CTRL+v)
   $x = $x + 1

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