Hello Framers!

I work for a relatively small company, and unfortunately I am relatively 
new to both RoboHelp and FrameMaker. My company wants to switch to 
having our online help and our user's manual to be essentially the same. 
They have thought about using the single sourcing available in TCS2. I 
have been having some problems with the single sourcing and wanted to 
see if anyone has had similar problems.

1) So, first of all, is anyone out there using the interactive linking 
to single source between FrameMaker and RoboHelp? And if so, what kind 
of problems have you run into? I have run into issues with formatting. 
Sometimes it just does not accept the CSS I have written even though I 
know the code is fine. I also have had problems with pictures as well as 
issues with the links crossing over. Is this a problem with the 
stylesheets, which I have had difficulty editing? Or is it a problem 
with how the original FrameMaker documents were created? Am I just an 
inexperienced user?  I realize you do not know for sure because you are 
not here with me, but if you had any insights about known issues or 
common problems with the single sourcing, that would be helpful.

2) Has anyone switch from TCS2 to TCS3 or TCS3.5 for single sourcing 
purposes and if so, why? I have been trying to determine the pros and 
cons, but as far as I can tell, there is not a lot of enhanced capability.

Any help that you all could give me would be very much appreciated.



Katelyn Cummings
Corporate Communications               TerraSim, Inc.
One Gateway Center, Suite 2050         (412) 232-3646  EXT 23
420 Fort Duquesne Blvd                 (412) 232-3649 (FAX)
Pittsburgh, PA 15222                   krc at terrasim.com

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