Hi Chris -
We may be on to something here. None of the files in the book has a second HTML 
mapping table in the Ref Pages.
Is that something I can add myself? Maybe just copy and paste the file version 
of the table and somehow tag it as the book version of the table?
Or can I get FM to create the missing table?
Thanks for the help!

From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Chris Despopoulos
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:41 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: RE: FM10 crashes saving book as HTML, inserts rogue word

I can't say anything about the crash.  But I can say that the inconsistencies 
when saving as HTML may have to do with your book-wide HTML setup.  The first 
document in the book should have two sets of HTML setup flows, one for the 
document and one for the book.  Look at your ref pages in that first file -- 
you should see two versions of each HTML setup table.  Make sure both are in 
sync.  My guess is they are not.

About the crash, I would try making a special book using your files, but with 
only the first file in the book, then try that.  See if it crashes.  If it 
does, then zip it up and send it to the team in India.  You would be doing us 
all a favor.  If it doesn't crash, add files one-by-one until you get the 
crash. Then delete files EXCEPT that culprit until it's the only one.  Still 
crashes?  You might have something odd in that file -- try mif-washing it.  
Othersies, zip it up and send it to India!

Cheers              cud
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