Good work, John...

 From: John Sgammato <jsgammato at>
To: Chris Despopoulos <despopoulos_chriss at>; "framers at" <framers at> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 3:12 PM
Subject: RE: FM10 crashes saving book as HTML, inserts rogue word - SOLVED

I have the solution.? Here?s the story:
Converting a whole book to HTML is very processor-intensive. When it consumes 
all resources, FM crashes. 
Remember that FM copies the file-specific HTML settings from the first file in 
the book, and then adds new book-specific reference pages and HTML settings 
tables to the first file. 
My problem was because FM crashed before creating and applying the proper 
book-specific settings to the first file. Thus it used the default settings, 
which caused the rogue word See in my X-refs. It was also failing to convert my 
images and a few other issues.
I ran the conversion while watching task manager on my Win7 32-bit P4 machine, 
and watched processor load skyrocket up to 95% and then FM crash. 
When I repeated the process on a Win7 64-bit I7 machine, it ran to completion 
without ever breaking 20% processor load.
I then repeated it with a much larger file (595 images vs 76) and it sailed 
right through, again never exceeding 20% load.
So the moral of the story is don?t try to save a book as HTML unless you have 
the hardware to handle the job. If FM crashes, then your machine may not be up 
to the task. 
Sachin from Adobe Support will post the same info to the forums. I asked him to 
see if he could come up with some more precise guidelines so we would know what 
sort of computer to ask for. The best he could do was to say a 64-bit machine 
makes a big difference, and he would try to get more precise information to 
share with us. 
From:John Sgammato 
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 7:19 AM
To: 'Chris Despopoulos'; framers at
Subject: RE: FM10 crashes saving book as HTML, inserts rogue word
Chris was definitely onto something, and I learned a lot. Now I get good HTML 
output, but FM still crashes; that puzzle is in India now. 
Here?s what I discovered:
To save an entire book as HTML, you first set HTML mappings in one file in the 
book using File > Utilities> HTML Setup. The settings are stored in an HTML 
reference page (actually a couple of pages) in that file. Then you copy the 
settings to other files in the book. Now every file has an HTML reference page 
with your new settings. These settings include whether to break the file at 
Heading 1, Heading 2, etc ? I had to uncheck those to get the monolithic file 
that I needed.
When FrameMaker converts the entire book to HTML, it reads the HTML mappings 
from the first chapter HTML reference pages, and then makes a new BookHTML 
reference page that it puts into the first file in the book.
None of my three books were generating the BookHTML ref page. As a result, FM 
was using some default values (I don?t know where they live), so the output was 
wrong ? hence the rogue word See inserted into X-Refs. 
I added a new Reference page called BookHTML and copied the existing HTML 
mapping table onto that new ref page. The table was longer than the page, but I 
let it overflow the frame rather than add a new page. I imported the ref page 
across all files, updated and saved the book, and tried again.
Now the book generates good HTML, but FM still crashes at the end. 
The good output is enough for me to move on to the next phase of my overdue 
project, but the crash and the failure to autogenerate the reference pages are 
real issues to be resolved. Those are in Adobe?s hands now. I will follow up as 
Thanks for everyone?s help!
ps In my researches, I also saw references to a BookHeadings table or page. I 
did nothing about that. I may follow up on it if I can.
From:framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Chris Despopoulos
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:41 AM
To: framers at
Subject: RE: FM10 crashes saving book as HTML, inserts rogue word
I can't say anything about the crash.? But I can say that the inconsistencies 
when saving as HTML may have to do with your book-wide HTML setup.? The first 
document in the book should have two sets of HTML setup flows, one for the 
document and one for the book.? Look at your ref pages in that first file -- 
you should see two versions of each HTML setup table.? Make sure both are in 
sync.? My guess is they are not.? 

About the crash, I would try making a special book using your files, but with 
only the first file in the book, then try that.? See if it crashes.? If it 
does, then zip it up and send it to the team in India.? You would be doing us 
all a favor.? If it doesn't
 crash, add files one-by-one until you get the crash. Then delete files EXCEPT 
that culprit until it's the only one.? Still crashes?? You might have something 
odd in that file -- try mif-washing it.? Othersies, zip it up and send it to 

Cheers????????????? cud
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