Scott Turner wrote: 

> Is it simply me in my old age or has Adobe gone one better than
> Microsoft in making their corporate website TOTALLY unusable? I could
> not find any sign of the community forums, nor could I easily find a
> link to the support area.
> I am incensed, frustrated, and extremely angry that I can't find the
> Information that I need through their now non-existent support channel.

Go to In the menu at the top, click Help. On the Adobe Support page, 
scan down to Meet + Ask + Follow: "In a community of creative experts, Help is 
not a document. It's a conversation. Join in" Click Join in. 

Or, at, go to the gray navigation/sitemap table at the bottom of the 
page. Under Learning, click Forums. 

Now was that so hard? ;-)

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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