Hello Framers,

I learned a day too late about the FM7 to FM10 upgrade from this forum and now 
with the 6/15 deadline past have a worthless PO in my e-hand. However, I've 
been told that if enough of us late-comers step up, Adobe may allow the promo 
price to this group. Is anyone interested or maybe willing to make the move 
now? Please let Abhishek Agarwal, Abhishek.Agarwal at 
adobe.com<mailto:Abhishek.Agarwal at adobe.com> know of your serious interest 
and drop my name for association (the only time that will do you any good).

A day late, but still have that dollar,

Jim Duszynski
Skyline Products, Inc
Technical Writer
(719) 392-9046, Ext. 311
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