First, thanks to all who have written to me both on-list and off-list. It?s 
certainly good to have a support group of those likewise addicted to this 
software. (Maybe at an FM conference we can go around the room for 
like at an AA meeting, ?I?m Ken and I?m a FrameMaker user.?)

Second, I?m still checking possible solutions to see if I cold convince my 
coworker to add graphics to FM docs correctly, but it seems like a lost cause 
because he simply doesn?t see the need to do anything other than copy and 
For new images, he simply opens the folder with photos taken of a new machine, 
copies a photo and directly pastes it into an anchored frame in his FM document.

He?s asked me to come up with a better way, but I already know that to him, 
speed counts, and he takes literally no longer than 20 seconds or so to do it 
his way:
        * Have pdf document open and anchored frame in FM document already in 
        * Screen-shot the art (using PrintScreen32 which allows cropping before 
the capture).
        * Paste it into anchored frame and size it as-needed.
My clumsy, more complicated, admittedly longer but correct method (using an 
existing pdf file with required images) is to: 

        * Have pdf document open and anchored frame in FM document already in 
        * Extract single page with a required image from a multi-page pdf file.
        * Open the pdf page (or photo) in art software and crop away unneeded 
to leave only the image.
        * Assign an art control number (from our existing acn excel file).
        * Save the cropped pdf in the existing art control number file folder.
        * Import the saved PDF image from the ACN folder into anchored frame in 
FrameMaker and re-size it as-needed
        * Type the art control number inside a text box and place it inside the 
right corner of the anchored frame.
Third, thanks to Shlomo Perets for his suggestion for me to uncheck the box for 
?Generate Tagged PDF? as a fix to see if I could properly generate a pdf file 
Wednesday afternoon. It worked. (Specifically, I unchecked the box for 
Acrobat Data?.)

-- Ken in Atlanta

From: Shlomo Perets <>
To: Ken Poshedly <poshedly at>
Cc: framers at
Sent: Thu, March 22, 2012 6:49:03 AM
Subject: Re: best use of graphics in FM


You wrote:

>First, I very much appreciate the various on-list and off-list replies. 
>I'll try a few things myself this evening after getting home (61 miles 
>each way) regarding the graphics to see what I can do as a speed test.
>Second, I just did some minor edits to a series of FM files created by my 
>coworker and tried to create a pdf of the book. And yep, a big glitch 
>occurred right near the beginning during distilling. Here's the text from 
>the log file created by distiller:
>%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
>%%[Page: 1]%%
>%%[Page: 2]%%
>%%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: pdfmark; ErrorInfo: StOBJ 
>--nostringval-- ]%%
>%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
>%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
>Notice that distiller gave up the ghost at or after page 2 of the file 
>during the book printing which should have resulted in a 254-page manual. 
>I've done a visual check of pages 2 and 3 (the copyright page would be pdf 
>page 2 and page 1 of the comprehensive TOC would be pdf page 3) and either 
>there's nothing obviously wrong or I'm blind.
>Could someone explain the cryptography from the log file, specifically 
>line 4 (Error: typecheck . . .) and what follows it?

The Distiller error is related to having Tagged PDF turned on in FrameMaker.

Turn off "Generate Tagged PDF" (Format > Document > PDF Setup, Tags tab, of 
from within your Save as PDF / Print dialog box), then try converting to 
PDF again.

Shlomo Perets

FrameMaker/TCS training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants
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