On 26/03/2012 10:04 PM, Jeff Coatsworth wrote: > FYI ? FM 10 works fine on WinXP SP3
That's already encouraging. The reason I upgraded from FM7 to FM8 was the new provision for language dependent paragraph tags. I do a lot of bi- and tri-lingual texts and that feature became instantly useful. What is there in the basic functionality of FM10 that is so radically better than FM8 to justify the expense of an upgrade? I am not interested in DITA (whatever that is) or in structured books, so improvements in these area are not my concern. As I mentioned, I am not inclined to upgrade the OS, since I must have access to DOS for my music typesetting software. -- Matanya Ophee Editions Orph?e Inc., 1240 Clubview Blvd. N. Columbus, OH 43235-1226 Phone: 614-846-9517 Fax: 614-846-9794 mailto:m.ophee at orphee.com http://www.editionsorphee.com http://matanya.livejournal.com/ http://www.matanyaophee.com