> Will someone please help with this question?
> Thank you,
> John

1. Start by making a backup copy of everything in case you mess up, so that you 
can recover gracefully!

2. Exit FrameMaker (or certainly make darn sure that you are not editing the 
book or any of its files!)

3. In the OS (I assume Windows), change _just_ the book name to whatever you 
need it to be - whether you do this in a DOS window or from the File Explorer 
is up to you.

4. Open the newly renamed book in FrameMaker - you will see the included 
filenames still be the old name(s).

5. Individually change the file names of each file of the book, from _inside_ 
the book (i.e., within FrameMaker).

Of course, this could be painful if there are a large number of files inside 
the book ... in that case, I would probably prefer to mess with the MIF copies 
of the files and book with a text editor instead. This needs care, of course.


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