Thanks for the response.


From: Roger Shuttleworth []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:10 AM
To: Gillian Flato
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

Hello Gillian

Regarding your question about TCS4 being the "complete solution" for DITA. You 
have to analyze that statement rather carefully and remember it's from the 
evangelist! The comments below are from a TCS4 user.

First, several of the components of TCS4 have nothing at all to do with DITA - 
Captivate, Illustrator, RoboScreen Capture, and Acrobat. That basically leaves 
FrameMaker and RoboHelp as candidates. So right there you ask yourself: would 
buying just FM and RH be better and/or cheaper?

FrameMaker does come with DTDs, EDDs, and templates provided, so you can 
immediately create, save, and open DITA XML documents. You'd want to tweak the 
templates, of course, and it helps if you are familiar with EDDs. As an XML 
editor, FM11 in my view is a big step forward from 9 and 10, but I doubt it can 
compete with oXygen or xMetal (I have not used the latter). The ability to 
output fine PDF is a key difference in favour of FM. There are some 
deficiencies in FM, which Scott Prentice has identified in his comparison at (that comparison covers 
FM10 but not 11, but it's still applicable). You may want to supplement FM11 
with DITA-FMx, though there are pros and cons for that too.

Moving on to RoboHelp: RH was fundamentally designed as an HTML authoring tool. 
Integration with FrameMaker has been cobbled into it, and it works on book 
files, not ditamaps. So you have to create your book from a ditamap in FM, then 
open the book in RH. RoboHelp can also process ditamaps directly, but it rather 
depends on the day of the week and how you hold your mouth. I sometimes have a 
problem with the mouth part. DITA support in RH has a loooong way to go, and 
the glowing reports I read of DITA support in WebWorks (not cheap) give me the 
impression that is probably the better tool.

Having said all that, yes, you can use TCS4 to output DITA to PDF and HTML (we 
do it). If you don't want impressive PDF, FM is inferior to the alternatives 
you mention. If you're happy to just have FM and forgo the other TCS4 
components, there are other tools you could use with FM alone to create output 
from DITA files: WebWorks, as mentioned, DITA2Go, etc.

Hope this helps alleviate some of the marketing overhead!

Roger Shuttleworth
London, Canada
On 26/11/2012 2:08 PM, Gillian Flato wrote:
I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the 
necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato
Gillian.Flato at<mailto:Gillian.Flato at>


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