With due respect for Jeremy, whom I esteem greatly, I think he may have 
overstated the case. You can get CHM output from oXygen with a few mouse 
clicks, and you can easily customize its appearance using CSS. There are 
also some ready-made parameter controls in oXygen, for example to create 
breadcrumbs (although I just tried that option and I don't see them in 
the output).

If you want to go further than that, you can either develop your XSLT 
skills -- which is a wise strategy, but one you should view as long-term 
-- or you can develop your Mif2Go/DITA2Go skills, which is a much easier 
challenge and one that gives you almost as much control of the output. 
(And if you're missing a control, Jeremy often adds one for you in an 
amazingly short time.)

On 2012-11-29 23:57, Writer wrote:
>>> Can't you output to CHM using oXygen?
>> Sure, in the same sense that you can create
>> a large Web site using only Notepad.  ;-)
> So...um...like...are you saying that I'm doin' it rong?
>> I'd say if someone has a looming deadline,
>> that is **not** the time to start learning
>> how to customize the OT...  LOL!
> I was just inquiring. I'm using oXygen to learn XML and XSLT stuff, but I've 
> not explored it's DITA capabilities to any great degree. I thought CHM output 
> was there, but didn't know if it was useful or not. The OP mentioned 
> restricting spending. I thought if he already had access to CHM output, why 
> not use that.
> Oh well.

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