At 03:21 PM 2/10/2012, Shelly Schneider wrote:

>An additional contractor has been brought on by my company. If I can find a 
>low-price copy of FrameMaker, perhaps she won?t end up moving her docs to Word 
>(shudder). I know folks on this list swear by FrameMaker 8. FrameMaker 9 was a 
>bug-fest. I doubt I?ll find many people offering FrameMaker 10. I've had no 
>luck on eBay . I?d love to find a copy of FrameMaker 8  with a transferable 
>license (was it 8.2 everyone loved?). Does anybody have any thoughts or 
>caveats on how to go about this?  Thanks! 

I went the FM 8 route after trying to work with the FM 9 trial version and 
nearly losing my mind with the damned pods and a raft of things that either 
didn't work, disappeared spontaneously, or caused FM to fall over completely.  
The day I decided to buy the FM8 *upgrade* (from v.6) instead, was a few days 
after the FM 9 release.  By that time, Adobe had pulled every FM 8 pack in the 
world.  Even resellers who actually had stocks were not allowed to sell it.  
The only solution Adobe offered at that time (2009) was to buy the *full* FM 9 
retail pack and use that licence to apply for a URL to download the FM 8 
downgrade as an ISO.

Companies do clear out unused stuff from time to time and I did eventually 
manage to source an unopened retail pack at an attainable price, through eBay, 
after a while of watching.  With all the updates, it is announcing itself as 
v.8.0p277.  Another possible source is Amazon, as remaindered software is often 
offered there by third parties.

A possible caveat at this distance could be that Adobe might have pulled the 
updates.  I just don't know.  At the time I needed them, they were available;  
but that was 2009.  That said, if you are using FM 8 on site already, you 
probably have all the updates backed up for reinstalls, as I do.

Good luck!

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